Anyhow, after I had my son almost 3 years ago. Within a couple of months I was back to my normal size of 103 lbs. It was perfect for my height of 5 feet 1 inch, I wasn't too skinny but all my clothes fit perfectly and I was happy with myself.
For the past 8-10 months, I gained so much weight from eating, BBQ-ing and more eating. See, I used to do this a lot too but my body was able to get rid of the extra weight without exercising. Now I think my body has given up cleaning the waste and let the waste take up residence in my midsection. Damn these waste, they better pay rent if they are going to stay in my body for awhile!
I have been a healthy person, minus the fact that I have asthma, which really I blame Canada for it (damn weather made me sick). I tell you, I am healthy, you can even say I am healthy by the book. My blood pressure is 120/80, that is by the book baby! Beat that!
Therefore, I am not going to do this for the sake of my health, well maybe it'll help with my asthma. I am going to try and lose weight for the sole reason of trying to fit in my clothes!
Yes, most of my clothes don't fit me anymore so it's been a struggle everyday trying to find clothes to wear to work. It's been such a pain trying to squeeze in my favorite jeans and just eventually toss it because I couldn't even zip it up. No, I can't go flying low - that doesn't work.:)
So starting Monday, I will do the following to lose some weight so I can fit in my clothes again:
* Eat sensibly
* Go for walk/run for at least 45 Minutes 4 times a week
* Avoid Fatty Foods
* Go to bed early
* Do crunches every morning for 10 minutes
* Drinks lots of water
So there you go, based on the ticker on the right hand side of this window, I have 17 lbs to go to achieve my goal and be comfortable with my clothes.
If you have any suggestions to help me with my goal, let me know!!! Encouragement is highly appreciated!!!
I will be posting my progress here so watch out for new postings!!!